The addiction treatment program in California has included parental counseling as an effective means to bring down the instances of drug and alcohol abuse in teenagers. Read more
From Teen Alcohol Abuse
Treatment Program for Teen Alcohol Abuse in Connecticut
Connecticut suffers from a major problem of teen alcohol abuse. Eighty percent of teenagers have their first drink of alcohol even before they pass out from their high school. Read more
Overindulgent Parenting Leads To Addiction
There is a trend in the United States for parents to overindulge their children. Parents often feel guilty for working a lot and try to make up for it by giving their kids anything they want. Divorced parents try to make up for the child having to go through those experiences by attempting to buy the child’s love. Other times, people just want their kids to be able to have everything they desire. They may think they’re helping the teen fit in at school. Parents do this by not setting boundaries, fixing all of the child’s problems for them, buying them whatever they want, not requiring chores, and generally trying to keep the child or teen happy no matter what. Read more
Enabling an Addiction
Enabling behaviors are common in families with drug addiction or alcoholism because most people don’t know how to handle these problems. Parents, siblings, children, friends, co-workers, and sometimes even therapists are guilty of enabling. They simply don’t have the knowledge or skills to deal with the situation in the best way. They usually start out by doing all the wrong things, which is not beneficial to the addict or themselves. Read more
Parents and Teen Drug Abuse
Dealing with a teenager’s drug abuse or alcoholism is extremely difficult for parents. You are terrified about your child’s future, and you want to do whatever you can to find the best addiction treatment for them. You’re upset about the effect that this has had on the rest of the family, especially if there are siblings in the house. Read more