From Crystal Meth Addiction

Hospital-Based Treatment Programs


When most people think of addiction treatment, they think of a free-standing rehab facility, outpatient treatment, or perhaps a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous. Hospital-based treatment programs are another option that can be the best choice for some people with multiple conditions. Just as the name suggests, these programs are offered in a unit of a general hospital. Read more

The Seriousness of Meth Addiction


Crystal meth was once thought to be a drug that was not as widespread as other substances. However, throughout the past several years’ crystal meth has pushed its way into the lives of millions of people. Crystal meth addiction is one of the most serious drug addictions within our society, because of its highly addictive nature and its ability to transform the minds of its users. Read more

I Didn’t Sign Up for This


In the beginning cocaine abuse seems so trivial, just a small amount and the party goes a little longer, the lights are a little brighter, and in general everything gives off a little nicer glow. But cocaine, like every other drug, isn’t honest with you. It’s needs and demands on you grow and grow and grow. Until eventually you realize that this isn’t what you want, isn’t what you signed up for. Read more